Neko Lueke / Full-Stack Developer

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Bookkeeper Application

Role: Team Lead

Frontend Github Backend Github Hosted Application

 The Application was developed as part of the capstone course for my degree program. Developed by a team of four, this project provides users with a comprehensive tool to manage and track their personal finances. Utilizing modern technologies, the application integrates a responsive React frontend with a robust .NET backend, a PostgreSQL database, and secure OAuth2 login for authentication. This project showcases our ability to work collaboratively on a full-stack web application, integrating multiple technologies to deliver a secure, user-friendly platform for personal budget management.

Technology Stack
 - Frontend: React, CSS (Bootstrap), JavaScript
 - Backend: .NET Core (C#)
 - Database: PostgreSQL
 - Authentication: OAuth2
 - Testing Framework: xUnit, React Testing

The Projects core requirements were it must
 - Be a full-stack application (Cannot use CMS, like Wordpress)
 - Include a financial component
 - Have the following pages: Login, Register, Home/Dashboard, User Profile/Settings, Plus 2 Additional Pages
 - Have at least 1 CSS Framework
 - Complete at least 2 stretch goals

Project Stretch Goals
 - Deploy project to server/cloud instance (Completed)
 - Create Web API layer for backend interactions (Completed)
 - Use open-source reporting tool/business intelligence suite for all the reporting and its data visualization (Patially Completed)
 - Use pull requests/code review approved by a group member (Completed)
 - Sessions for remembering user if they close their browser and login again (Completed)
 - Options for user if they forgot their username or password (Completed)
 - Security scan application & fix critical issues (Not Completed)
 - Do accessibility audit and fix errors (Not Completed)